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Asics US4-S Gel-Terrain Classic Red / Wood Crepe

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Standaard: 2-3 dagen - € 5,00
Express: 1-2 dagen - € 10,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 100,00

EUROPA EU-landen
Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 12.0000
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 29,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00

Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 20,00
Express: 2-3 dagen - € 35,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00

Standaard: 4-7 dagen - € 29,00
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 49,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 300,00

Duitsland: alle bestellingen boven € 100,00
EU-landen: alle bestellingen boven € 200,00
Alle overige landen: alle bestellingen boven € 300,00

The CURATORIAL Collection, curated style by Kiko Kostadinov Studio and ASICS® features reworked versions of the US5-S GEL-QUANTUM KINETIC™, US4-S GEL-TERRAIN™, and UB6-S GT-2160™ sneakers.​

This collection draws inspiration from various material environments (Brandishing, Lucent Gloss, Soft and Hard Frames, and Pattern Tessellations) that juxtapose one another. These influences harmoniously balance the ideas of symmetry, repetition, geometry, and the beauty of imperfection.​

The color palettes reference themes surrounding subverted shadows, new neutrals, and pastel touch. Each theme is influenced by: the sublime descent into the darkest shades, sensations of serenity, and complementary hues involving tints.​

  • Upper is inspired by archived ASICS® trail running shoes​
  • No-sew film details with a topographical design
  • GT-2000™ 8 tooling
  • FLYTEFOAM® cushioning
    Helps create an energized feel underfoot​
  • Forefoot and rearfoot GEL® technology
    Improves impact absorption and creates a softer feeling at footstrike
  • Article number : 1203A394.600

Standaard: 2-3 dagen - € 5,00
Express: 1-2 dagen - € 10.00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 100,00

EUROPA EU-landen
Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 12.00000
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 29,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00

Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 20,00
Express: 2-3 dagen - € 35,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00

Standaard: 4-7 dagen - € 29,00
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 49,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven de € 300,00

Duitsland: alle bestellingen boven € 100,00
EU-landen: alle bestellingen boven € 200,00
Alle overige landen: alle bestellingen boven € 300,00

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Asics US4-S Gel-Terrain Classic Red / Wood Crepe
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