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Maison Louis Marie No.09 Vallée de Farney - Perfume Oil 0,5 Oz

Size Guide

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Standaard: 2-3 dagen - € 5,00
Express: 1-2 dagen - € 10,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 100,00

EUROPA EU-landen
Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 12.0000
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 29,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00

Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 20,00
Express: 2-3 dagen - € 35,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00

Standaard: 4-7 dagen - € 29,00
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 49,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 300,00

Duitsland: alle bestellingen boven € 100,00
EU-landen: alle bestellingen boven € 200,00
Alle overige landen: alle bestellingen boven € 300,00

Louis Marie Aubert du Petit Thouars was a pioneer in French botanical history. During the French revolution, he was exiled to Madagascar, La Reunion and the Mauritius islands where he discovered a vast array of plant specimens.

Maison Louis Marie is built upon a rich botanical history with luxury candles, perfumes & skincare that focus on illustrious scents imbued with unique floral fragrances.
Maison Louis Marie composes delicate creations to enchant your lifestyle; a floral tradition since 1792..
  • This scent is a woody, mineral fragrance. The top note is a citrus accord of grapefruit, orange and black pepper enhanced by cedarwood and patchouli.
  • Top Note: Grapefruit, Orange, Black Pepper
  • Mid Note: cedarwood, Patchouli, Geranium
  • Base Note: Vetiver, Amber, Musk
Direction to use: Use roll-on perfume oil any time you desire. Apply to pulse points (neck, chest and wrist), lightly rolling the ball on the skin to release the fragrance.
'Clean Beauty' is about our strict adherence to providing environmentally-mindful products that do not contain toxic ingredients (whether harvested or made) that may pollute the earth or harm one's body by use. We don't test our products on animals and we never utilize animal-derived ingredients.


Standaard: 2-3 dagen - € 5,00
Express: 1-2 dagen - € 10.00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 100,00

EUROPA EU-landen
Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 12.00000
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 29,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00

Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 20,00
Express: 2-3 dagen - € 35,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00

Standaard: 4-7 dagen - € 29,00
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 49,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven de € 300,00

Duitsland: alle bestellingen boven € 100,00
EU-landen: alle bestellingen boven € 200,00
Alle overige landen: alle bestellingen boven € 300,00

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Maison Louis Marie No.09 Vallée de Farney - Perfume Oil 0,5 Oz
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