Mizuno Wave Prophecy LS Silver Cloud / Black / Opal Gray
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Japan's unique Mizuno brand has brought another gem out of the archives: the Wave Prophecy. It is completely incomprehensible why this fantastic chunky design took so long to arrive, because this runner has everything that made running shoes stand out in the mid and late 1990s. This ranges from very good cushioning to support that leaves nothing to be desired, to a chunky, powerful look that could hardly have been more dynamic. The Mizuno Wave Prophecy LS is made for people who are breaking new ground and love the trendy dad style!
The Mizuno Wave Prophecy LS offers the following features:
• Upper material: mesh, leather and synthetic material
• soft, breathable textile lining
• Mizuno branding applied on the side
• foamed footbed
• foamed midsole
• rubber outsole with proprietary profile, whose strategically positioned recesses support the rolling of the foot in different directions
• Mizuno logo patch on the tongue
• Wave Prophecy branding on the outside of the heel
• Mizuno's unique Wave technology for ultimate comfort
Standaard: 2-3 dagen - € 5,00
Express: 1-2 dagen - € 10.00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 100,00
EUROPA EU-landen
Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 12.00000
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 29,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00
Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 20,00
Express: 2-3 dagen - € 35,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00
Standaard: 4-7 dagen - € 29,00
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 49,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven de € 300,00
Duitsland: alle bestellingen boven € 100,00
EU-landen: alle bestellingen boven € 200,00
Alle overige landen: alle bestellingen boven € 300,00
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