Porter-Yoshida & Co Tanker Shoulder Bag - Iron Blue
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The "TANKER" series, which was announced in 1983 and is synonymous with PORTER.
It uses an original 3-layer structure fabric developed with the motif of the US Air Force flight jacket "MA-1". The 3-layer fabric of nylon twill (surface) + polyester cotton (middle layer) + nylon taffeta (back) is very light, and the soft feel of the bonding material and the vivid rescue orange on the back are attractive. This series is full of the thorough attention of Yoshida&Co. craftsmen in all processes from cutting to sewing and parts.
A shoulder bag with a square shape. The main compartment is fully open, and the interior is equipped with straps to secure luggage. It is functionally made so that you can directly access the main compartment from the zipper on the back, and it comes with a handle despite its compact size. You can also use it as a pouch by removing the shoulder strap.
Number of pockets
Outside: 2 Inside: 2
* All models come with original pouch.
- Porter-Yoshida & Co
- Style #622-79125
- Made in Japan
- Size: W:170mm/H:180mm/D:60mm
- Material: Front: Nylon twill
(Polyester cotton bonding processing)
Lining: nylon taffeta
Standaard: 2-3 dagen - € 5,00
Express: 1-2 dagen - € 10.00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 100,00
EUROPA EU-landen
Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 12.00000
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 29,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00
Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 20,00
Express: 2-3 dagen - € 35,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00
Standaard: 4-7 dagen - € 29,00
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 49,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven de € 300,00
Duitsland: alle bestellingen boven € 100,00
EU-landen: alle bestellingen boven € 200,00
Alle overige landen: alle bestellingen boven € 300,00
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