Asics UB10-S GEL-KAYANO 20 - Glacier Grey / Lavender Grey

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Standaard: 2-3 dagen - € 5,00
Express: 1-2 dagen - € 10,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 100,00

EUROPA EU-landen
Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 12.0000
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 29,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00

Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 20,00
Express: 2-3 dagen - € 35,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00

Standaard: 4-7 dagen - € 29,00
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 49,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 300,00

Duitsland: alle bestellingen boven € 100,00
EU-landen: alle bestellingen boven € 200,00
Alle overige landen: alle bestellingen boven € 300,00

Style curated by Kiko Kostadinov Studio and the ASICS SportStyle development team. The UB10-S GEL-KAYANO 20 sneaker is inspired by the themes of Interlaced Assemblages, Functional Utopias and Mino Ceramics.

Style curated by Kiko Kostadinov Studio and the ASICS SportStyle development team. Soft textures merge with the idea of ​​handcrafted elements found in legendary works of art. By using matte, washed-out color effects, the design team was able to spice up the archaic shape and construction of time-honored running shoes.

With their grid-like patterns and bold, opaque colors, the Functional Utopia-inspired variations form a direct correlation to nature. The shiny primary colors are complemented by metallic structures that particularly emphasize the material combination with the two-layer mesh.

The designers also traced the influence of Mino pottery on this design, examining the rust-like appearance seen in the Mino glaze, seeing the imagery as a vessel that would endure the turmoil of time with its graduated colors.

Style No.: 1203A640.020

Standaard: 2-3 dagen - € 5,00
Express: 1-2 dagen - € 10.00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 100,00

EUROPA EU-landen
Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 12.00000
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 29,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00

Standaard: 3-5 dagen - € 20,00
Express: 2-3 dagen - € 35,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven € 200,00

Standaard: 4-7 dagen - € 29,00
Express: 1-3 dagen - € 49,00
Gratis verzending - alle bestellingen boven de € 300,00

Duitsland: alle bestellingen boven € 100,00
EU-landen: alle bestellingen boven € 200,00
Alle overige landen: alle bestellingen boven € 300,00

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